Moral vs. Morale

Patricia Hinsen-Rind
23. März 2021
Moral vs. Morale

Nur das “e” unterscheidet “moral” und “morale”, kein Wunder, dass die beiden so häufig verwechselt werden.

Beide Wörter passen gut in diese Pandemiezeit, beide finden tägliche Anwendung.

Moral – befasst sich mit “richtig” oder “falsch”. “From a moral perspective, there should be a clear definition of who gets vaccinated first.”
Morale – befasst sich mit gefühlter (oder nicht) Begeisterung. “The morale in the population is very low after a year of lockdowns and pandemic restrictions.”

Only the “e” distinguishes “moral” and “morale,” no wonder the two are so commonly confused.

Both words are well suited to this age of the pandemic, both find day-to-day use.

Moral – deals with “right” or “wrong”. “From a moral perspective, there should be a clear definition of who gets vaccinated first.”
Morale – deals with perceived (or not) enthusiasm. “The morale in the population is very low after a year of lockdowns and pandemic restrictions.”

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