Solutions and Examples: Idiom Quiz

Patricia Hinsen-Rind
14. Juli 2021
Solutions and Examples: Idiom Quiz

9, h: Example: We can kill two birds with one stone if we return the parcel on the way to the supermarket.

8, e: Example: You can tell he’s the birthday boy because he is drinking like a fish!

10, i: Example: She’s a real nutcase. Well, it takes one to know one.

3, j: Example: Following this recipe is a piece of cake.

7, g: Example: I think I would feel awful if I ate all that food, but Tim seems to have a cast iron stomach.

6, c: Example: Kim was yelling while I was listening to the radio so I told her to put a sock in it.

4, b: Example: At the birthday party, the kids pigged out at the dinner buffet.

5, d: Example: Nina was trying so hard to make the picnic perfect, she was packing everything but the kitchen sink!

2, f: Example: Yea, right! You’ll get a date with Scarlett Johannsson when pigs fly!

1 a: Example: He just- the lights are on but nobody’s home!

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