Strange Christmas Traditions: Pooping under the Christmas Tree

Patricia Hinsen-Rind
10. Dezember 2018
Strange Christmas Traditions: Pooping under the Christmas Tree

Meet “The Caganer”. A very curious Catalonian Christmas tradition. The “Caganer” is a figure that is depicted in the act of defecation. Defecation is a “nice” word for “pooping”. For going to the bathroom and “doing Number 2”. For “answering the call of nature”.

Originally the Caganer was a figure in peasant dress, these days you can get any public figure to poop under your Christmas tree. This custom dates back to the late 17th century.

The Caganer is part of the Nativity scene, along with Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus and the animals in the barn. He is usually hidden in the background.

Catalonians believe that not having a Caganer as part of their Nativity scene brings bad luck.

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