An ill-advised decision

Patricia Hinsen-Rind
27. Oktober 2022
An ill-advised decision

🤒The word “ill” (🇬🇧British English) is most often used in its meaning of “unwell”, “not in good health”. The noun here is “illness”.

In 🇺🇸American English, “sick”, rather than “ill” is used, the noun is “sickness”.

👎However, the word “ill” also has other meanings. One meaning, in both British and American English, is “bad”. And that is the meaning that is part of the word “ill-advised”, a term often used in Business English.

Kleiner Business Englisch Kurs:

An ill-advised decision is

  • a decision that is not wise
  • a decision that is not smart
  • a decision made without thinking ahead
  • a bad decision.

🙅An example of an ill-advised decision was Liz Truss’ gamble to implement “Trussonomics”. These were neoliberal economic policies, including massive tax cuts, which sent the country into political and economic chaos.

The German equivalent to “ill-advised” would be “unklug” or “schlecht beraten”.

What ill-advised actions have you experienced or seen lately?

Welche unklugen Entscheidungen haben Sie in letzter Zeit erlebt oder gesehen?

Picture Credit: Simon Dawson / No 10 Downing Street, OGL 3, via Wikimedia Commons

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