Dear John
“Dear John”
“Dear John” is an example of a salutation. Salutation is the word used in correspondence that means “greeting”, also die Begrüßung oder die Anrede.
“Dear John” also has another meaning. A “Dear John letter” is a letter written to a man by his romantic partner, telling him that the relationship is over. The first known use of this phrase was during the Second World War, when women wrote to their soldier husbands/boyfriends, ending the relationship.
Wenn ein Mann also einen “Dear John” Brief erhält, dann macht seine Partnerin “Schluss”.
There is a female version of this letter, a “Dear Jane” letter, but this expression is not nearly as common as its male equivalent. Einen “Dear Jane” Brief gibt es zwar, dieser Ausdruck ist allerdings lange nicht so gebräuchlich wie “Dear John”.
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