I’m doing homework? I’m working from home? I’m making housework?

Patricia Hinsen-Rind
1. März 2021
I’m doing homework? I’m working from home? I’m making housework?

Was ist richtig um die Tätigkeit des “Arbeitens von Zuhause” zu beschreiben? Mehrfachantworten sind möglich :-)

a) I’m making homeoffice.
b) I’m working from home.
c) I’m doing homework.
d) I’m working remotely.
e) I do housework.
f) I’m doing home office.

Die Lösung kommt morgen.

You want to describe the fact that you are not working from the office, instead you are at home. Which sentences are correct? More than one correct answer is possible.:-)

a) I’m making homeoffice.
b) I’m working from home.
c) I’m doing homework.
d) I’m working remotely.
e) I do housework.
f) I’m doing home office.

The solution will be provided tomorrow.

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